Naveen Srinivasan is an accomplished open-source contributor and maintainer, actively involved in various projects and organizations. He is a member of the Open Source Security Foundation ( and Sigstore (, among others.

Naveen has received recognition for his contributions through Google Peer Bonus awards and has a consistent track record of activity for the past two years (2021 and 2022). He has been contributing to the open-source community for an extended period with no gaps in activity for the past two years.

Naveen is also a respected speaker at conferences, where he shares his knowledge of supply chain security and open-source software risk mitigation. Recently, he was featured as a maintainer in a blog post on the OpenSSF website (

  • Proficient in writing Golang and enjoy working with it.
  • Architected, developed, deployed, and managed cloud-based solutions using Docker and Kubernetes in Google Container Engine (GKE) and AWS.
  • Experienced in working with Kubernetes infrastructure for the past five years.
  • Knowledgeable in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Pulumi.
  • Deployed and managed Prometheus for monitoring Kubernetes clusters.
  • Designed and architected a highly critical 911 dispatch application that is being used in locations like London Ambulance and Philadelphia City.


Software Engineer - Endor Labs

  • Work with OSS Ecosystems
  • Build and manage infrastructure in GCP, GKE, and Monitoring.

Principal Engineer - Tech Strategy - Freddie Mac Driving Cloud-native, kubeflow, build k8s controllers, and supply chain security across the organization.

Cloud Architect - Mindbodyonline Cloud Architect for the Platform Engineering team focused on building and maintaining Cloud-based infrastructure for all new software development for the MINDBODY SaaS platform.

  • Drove the adoption of Kubernetes, open-source software, and Infrastructure as Code as the future of systems and software development at MINDBODY.
  • Designed and built a prototype of a new microservices platform using Pulumi t, Google Kubernetes Engine, AWS, Istio, and a fully implemented CI/CD pipeline.

Principal Engineer – Upskill is a series-B funded start-up that makes leading-edge AR using google glass and other glasses for the industrial workers in bringing the knowledge to the workers.

  • Designed the container infrastructure using Kubernetes in SaaS and on-prem
  • Manage dev, QA, prod, and ENV of the k8s cluster.

Principal Engineer - Revature

  • Helped build the CI/CD and k8s platform

Software Consultant – Architect College Board is a non-profit that helps k12 students go to college. One of the key things the college board does is SAT testing.

Computer-Aided Dispatch – 911 Dispatch (CAD) - Northrop Grumman Senior Software Developer /Architect

Talks and Interviews:
